Sunday, May 17, 2015

A well representation for the 18th Century

Joseph Andrews is a novel written by Henry Fielding. This novel was written in the 18th century which is “the age of enlightenment”. This age called the age of reason because people started to think, question, and find a reason for everything in their life. This age was the greatest age in Europe and England in specific, but, it faced a lot of changes in life in England, and morality, and faced some criticisms.

"Joseph Andrews" reflects the rare force and realism, faults of mankind, morals, and the social ills that appeared in the 18th century in the British society in a satirical way. We are confronted with a chameleonic society that frequently changes its appearance to satisfy personal lusts of various kinds. It depicts human beings in various shades of vanity, hypocrisy and narcissism. Here, Fielding becomes a spokesman of his age and seeks to come out strongly against the affected behavior of the aristocratic society. Fielding's picture of the English social life is reinforced by the large canvas of representatives selected from every facets of society.

The sensuality of women is reflected at its best through the representatives like Lady Booby, Mrs. Slipslop and Betty. Lady Booby feels greatly attracted by Joseph's manliness and personality and seeks in vain to evoke his sexual response to gratify her sensual appetite. Mrs. Slipslop also follows her mistress' path and tries to win Joseph as a lover. Even Betty, the sympathetic maid also falls in love with Joseph and seeks in vain to have sexual gratification from him. All these amorous intentions show a fair picture of the amoral side of the 18th century society.
The society that Fielding pictures in Joseph Andrews is extremely inhuman, indifferent, uncharitable and narcissistic. The insensitive hardness of this society is clearly exposed in the stagecoach part. The passengers, who are unwilling to allow Joseph into the coach on various excuses, show up their selfish and artificial mentality. At that time Joseph was in a pitiable condition; he was badly wounded and was almost naked. Some passengers show some sympathy for him but decline to spare him a garment to cover his naked body. The only person who shows some genuine heartfelt sympathy is the poor coachman, who offers his own coat to the wretched fellow. This shows the contrast between the attitude of the rich passengers and that of the poor coachman. Fielding tries to show us that there is a greater spirit of charity in the poor than in the rich. 
Fielding also provides some glimpses of the chaotic, greedy, and insincere sides of the 18th century society. For example, the squire who is fond of hunting hares tries to satisfy his lustful desire for Fanny taking advantages of her poor condition. Human greed is exposed by the characters of the surgeons and the clergymen. The surgeons were extremely selfish and money minded. They refused to treat patients who were unable to pay fees. The clergymen of the time were the most selfish and materialistic. Justice Frolick, for instance, goes out of his way to send Joseph and Fanny to prison, only to satisfy a whim of Lady Booby.

In Conclusion, Joseph Andrews is a fine social document that represents an inclusive picture of the 18the century English society. The novel directs its satire not only against particular individuals but also against the follies and vices of the entire society.

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